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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

JustRoll Films has been serving as a platform for musical talent across the region, cultivating itself into a haven for artists from all different genres.  We are focused on showcasing artists from around the world reach the next stage in their careers.  With professional gear and equipment, JustRoll Films offers its signed artists exactly what they need to make a name for themselves in the music industry.

Record Mixing

The Story of JustRoll Films

Which camera has been used? How the heck are those footages so stable? How do the colors look so warm and vivid? These were just a few of an avalanche of questions that led us to explore a whole new world of videography and believe it or not, the questions never end even to this day!


We started off with what we had - a basic camera, minimum gear and equipment, no stabilizers or sliders whatsoever, and offered free outdoor wedding videos in the year 2016. It was worth taking the risk and putting our best foot forward, but we were not yet happy. Our experiments continued with consistent learning from free resources, friends and peers, tutorials, and in the year 2019, we were able to release a much better version of our work for one of the popular Konkani melodies. Followed by the release, we were approached by a good number of people enquiring us for music videos, we took the opportunity to learn and grow with every project that came our way. 


Today, we have joined hands with the most talented, reputed, finest bunch of artists from music & video production industry. We are glad that our desire to serve as a fair platform for the musical talent has finally come true. Together we compose, record, and create the cool stuff that you'll find here on our website and on our youtube channel and on all major music streaming platforms. 


If you are a music lover join us for our latest releases, and if you are an artist get in touch with us and we will do our best to get your talent out to the world!



Team JustRoll Films



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